Friday, February 16, 2007


Good food, fun, and laughter are the things that come to mine when I’m at my cousin’s house. When I’m at my cousin house it’s relaxing and stuff, like at my cousin’s house to me, it’s my second home. It’s fun there to. My cousin house it’s big, me and my cousin’s and friends all just be chilling in the living room laying on the couches watching T.V. , if we not in the living room we be in the dining room on the computer, we all just be sitting down in the dining talking while one person on the computer waiting until they get off so the next person can get on. And the last place we be chilling at, at my cousin’s house is down stairs where the big T.V. be at, and they got long couches down there so we just be chill in watch basketball or whatever.

But what is fun without good family and friends? For example my lil cousin Kevin aka lilkev he make like everything funny, because, most of the time he speak his language to my friends {Filipino} and he be cussing at them in our language, so he like our comedian. Who else that make it fun and stuff is my friend Oscar aka O.G. because, he dance a lot and we just be in the living room listening to music and just be giggin like almost everyday. And my last friend that be there almost everyday is my friend Rich he bra just like a full package he funny, he be trying to gig when we be dancing, but he a music person he always listening to something or raping.

With all these fun people fun things we do at his house, we like to dance a lot and if my other cousin be there we have him video tape us.And if it
Isn’t noting to do at my cousin’s house we can go right across the street to my friend house Oscar and just post there or whatever. Finally the best thing to do at my cousin’s house is play basketball, we play every weekend on Sunday we call all our friends to hoop so be like a 5 on 5 we meet up at my cousin’s house than we go to like three different places to hoop cause is just like Up the hill from his house to hoop and that’s that.

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